Module 6 Healing Activities

Are you ready to tear down a few more bricks from your wall? To mourn for your child? Having a memorial for your child can help bring closure. It doesn’t need to be a service. You can memorialize by planting a tree or a bush in your yard, buying a special piece of jewelry or artwork that reminds you of your child .

Spend time in prayer, using one of the Psalms quoted in this chapter or your own words to pour out your thoughts, your anguish to God.

Be sure to write down the slivers or rays of light you see as the wall disintegrates. Over the next few weeks and months, watch and record as God’s light in your soul increases in intensity.

There is no activity for this module because grieving can leave you exhausted with many things to consider. By doing the good work of grief, you’ll find yourself stronger in God’s love!