Bible Character: The Sinful Woman

Is Abortion a Sin?

“The list of Abortion PTSD symptoms is endless,” the father of a post-abortive woman wrote despondently. “Abortion is something people cannot get over. I know they can say they have, but I don’t see evidence of that.”

The hopelessness of this man’s bleak perspective made my heart break. I whispered a brief prayer that this mindset would not be expressed to his wounded daughter. I then asked God to help me in responding.

I gently responded that nothing could be further from the truth, outlining how God has healed and used me personally after my abortion. “I’m positive proof that God can use a sinner,” I concluded, “because I’m here to encourage you today. Had God not healed my heart, perhaps no one would be here to help you. God has a plan for your daughter’s life!”

The fruit of my healed post-abortive heart is evidence that God is still offering redemption and healing, despite the sin. There are thousands of people alive today because God used me to talk to their mothers, who once considered abortion. I’ve likely spoken to more post-abortive people than anyone living on the Earth today since God healed my heart in 1992. From that perspective, God’s incredible grace has been extended exponentially.

This hopeless sort of dysfunctional mindset often encourages silence within the post-abortive community. Family reactions that are unforgiving and angry when this sin is confessed often outline the exact reason the woman aborted.

In a world where abortion pain is undocumented, rarely revealed and often denied, God’s word is still the best “therapy” for any sin. Scripture is filled with hopeless sinful women that Jesus took the time to encourage and then use magnificently.

We talked about two sinful women who encountered Jesus in module 1 and 2. In John 4, Jesus talks to the Samaritan woman at the well, outlining her sins plainly but with gentle compassion. Then He offers her specific healing in verses 13-14, saying, Whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.

Jesus defends another sinful woman to a judgmental Pharisee named Simon in Luke 7:36-50 NIV. This woman ministers to Jesus in a very special manner, by washing his feet with her tears and drying them with her hair.

Simon’s disdain must have been obvious. Jesus read his mind and took a moment to address this pompous soul with a parable of truth.

Jesus relayed a tale of two men who owed money. One was forgiven a greater amount of debt than the other. “Now which of them will love him more?” Jesus asked.

“I suppose the one who had the bigger debt cancelled,” Simon responded.

Our Savior then drew the woman into the conversation. Gently, He shared that, her many sins have been forgiven – for she loved much. But he who has been forgiven little, loves little.

Jesus knew from her touch on his feet that this sinful woman had the capacity to love deeply because of the incredible forgiveness and love personally bestowed upon her life. The same is true for men and women who have received God’s healing after abortion. While we may be imperfect still, God can use us to change the world.

Go back and read both stories in Scripture – John 4 and Luke 7. Then take the time to pray and ask God to speak into your heart, showing you what He wants you to know. Understand that simply because God has healed your life and redeemed you from sin, He can take all your sin and use it for His glory simply in loving people at a deeper level than those who have not sinned! You have a great friend in the Creator of the Universe!

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